What Coins Can You Mine With Goldshell CK5? 2023 Guide

What Coins Can You Mine With Goldshell CK5? 2023 Guide

In this article, we’ll describe the coins that the Goldshell CK5 can mine for as well as detail the characteristics of the most popular coins.

The Goldshell CK5 is a Nervos Network miner of Goldshell miners. It mines the Eaglesong algorithm, with a maximum hashrate of 12 Th/s and a power consumption of 2400 W.

Learn more about the coins that Goldshell CK5 can extract.

The prices of all cryptocurrencies mentioned in the article are indicated as of Jan 29, 2023

What Coins Can You Mine With Goldshell CK5?

The Eaglesong mining algorithm is included with this CK5 Nervos mining device. This algorithm is the hashing function for NERVOS and adheres to the proof of work ideal.

Additionally, the algorithm makes it secure for users by shielding miners from 51% attacks. With a maximum hash rate of 12 th/s, the Gold Shell-CK5 miner is capable of mining the CKB coin.

What is Nervos Network?

Nervos Network, where how to pool knowledge

Pirce: $0.00379

Martket cap: $126,530,631

A public blockchain ecosystem and collection of protocols, according to The Nervos Network, are open-source. The Nervos Network’s public layer 1 proof-of-work blockchain protocol is called the Nervos CKB (Common Knowledge Base). Smart contracts and layer 2 scaling are reportedly supported, and it enables the storage of any crypto-asset with the security, immutability, and permissionlessness of Bitcoin. It aims to capture the total network value through its “store of value” crypto-economic design and native token, the CKByte.

How Profitable is the Goldshell CK5?

At an electricity cost of 8¢ /kwH, the Goldshell CK5 profitability is $3.05 every 24 hours. 2059.72 CKB were mined in that time period.

Be wary of these profitability projections given how unstable the price of cryptocurrencies can be. It could go up, making mining even more profitable, or it could go down, making mining less profitable. How viable it is to mine with the Goldshell CK5 depends on the network difficulty as well.

Goldshell CK5 Review

The most advanced Nervos miner, which offers a high hash rate, is Gold Shell – CK5 – CKB. Another one-of-a-kind mining machine from the Gold Shell stable is this robust Nervos miner.

In March 2021, this item was made available. Users of Coin Mining Central can take advantage of this strong and effective miner for quick and profitable NERVOS (CKB) mining.

Eaglesong is the mining algorithm used by this CK5 Nervos mining device. This algorithm is the hashing function for NERVOS and adheres to the proof of work ideal.

Furthermore, the algorithm makes it secure for users by shielding miners from 51% attacks. The Gold Shell-CK5 miner has a maximum hash rate of 12 th/s, which is sufficient for mining the CKB coin.

It has a maximum power consumption of 2400W, which is high but does not accurately reflect the hashing power.

The Ck5 Nervos miner has dimensions of 264 by 200 by 290mm. The platform does not yet provide information about the chipboard or chip count of this device.

The input voltage, weight, and total fan speed of this equipment were not provided by the manufacturer either.

The CK5 Nervos mining device’s humidity is set to range from 5% minimum to 95% maximum, and the working temperature is set to range from 35°C to 5% minimum.

Keep in mind that this device needs to be set below the manufacturer’s suggested level in order to function effectively.

Conclusion: Goldshell CK5 a Powerful CKB Miner

The Goldshell CK5 is a Nervos Network miner. It mines the Eaglesong algorithm. With a maximum hash rate of 12 th/s, the Gold Shell-CK5 miner is capable of mining the CKB coin.


How Profitable is the Goldshell CK5?

The Goldshell CK5 is a miner for the Nervos Network. At the current CKB price of $0.00, the Goldshell CK5 is mining $7.66 a day before power cost is subtracted.

At an electricity cost of $0.08 per kwH, the daily profit of this miner would be $3.05.

How Much Nervos Network Does the Goldshell CK5 Mine Per Day?

The CK5 currently mines 2059.72 CKB a day.

How Much Does the Goldshell CK5 Cost?

The cost of the CK5 is $1,299.00.

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